This website is all about creativity in general and the result of my creations to inspire others. The idea is to create a bank of inspiration and knowledge that I've ackumulated over the years, and all the new things I still learn. I also want to share this information with others and hope that everyone can find something interesting on this site.


Who am I?

My name is Magnus and all my life I have created things. Often out of necessity but allways because it is fun and rewarding! Sometimes it can be fun to create stuff that are completely unnecessary! Allthough it's necessary to have fun also!

My ambition is to enjoy creating and to be able to be proud of what you have made with your bare hands (and some tools 😉 ) from own thoughts and ideas. to me it is not so important that everything will end up "correct" in a common aspect, as long as it fulfill the wishes and the requirements.

I love to do things that are new to me and to learn new methods in order to find other routes than I have used before. I allways try to think "I wonder if I can do that, let's try!" Don't forget that there's a ton of knowledge out there; on the internet, among friends, collegues etc. And if you don't find the knowledge, find out for yourself and then share it with the world!

About the content on this site

All the content on this site is created by me with the goal to share with others. If you find something interesting please feel free to use it in what ever way you like. The only thing I ask for is that you share with others were you found the information and/or inspiration that you used, preferably with a reference to this site.


Support Made by Magnus

If you like what I do and feel like supporting me, the best way is to visit and share the site with others and also sharing my Youtube channel. This is also free to subscribe to and I really appreciate thumbs up and comments about the content.
Companies are welcome to contact me to discuss possible future cooperations.